Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Prayer Intentions

Ok, I wanted to start a post for prayer intentions for which people might want me or anyone else who visits this sight to pray. I hope this works- we'll see how it goes for now. Feel free to leave them as comments to this post- just give a first name and a general idea of for what we are praying- even if you cannot give a name for whatever reason, please do not just put "special intention"- I like to have some vague direction in which to go with my prayer. I'll take anything from

"Please pray for me for a big test tomorrow. -Joe"
"My mother, Mary, is going in for a triple-bypass surgery tomorrow."
"Please pray for my wife. She's going through a very tough time right now. -Anon"
or anything else appropriate

There is a link to this post on the side of the blog so people can make it to this post directly. Also, please keep me/us updated on the status of the person(s) for whom we are praying, whether they have gotten over their grave illness or passed away or passed the test or whatever the intention happens to be.

Thanks for all your prayers- I'll try to check this every day or two or three to keep you all more specifically in mine! Please pray for each other, as well. God bless.


  1. Hi Tom,
    I talked with your dad yesterday and he recomended, that since I am in need of prayers that I contact you. I have advanced prostate cancer.I was diagnosted 2 years ago and my meds are still working after my radiation.The DRs say the meds may work from 2 to more years.Our two sons Mike and Patrick have wedding plans in June 2010 and Aug 2010.Please pray that I remain healthy enough to celebrate at both weddings.
    May God continue to bless you and your wonderful family.
    Tom F (St. Monicas)

  2. Hi Tom!

    You remain in our prayers nightly. I would love it if you would pray for the soul of my grandma, Ruth, who passed away 10/21. She was my mother's mom and my dad has been caring for her since my mom's passing, thus leaving another great hole in his life. Prayers for him would also be appreciated (his name Jim).

    Also, please pray for our family--we had the attack of the Swine in a major way and some of us are still dealing with weakness and cough among other issues, even little Jude.

    Again, be assured of our prayers for you and your family (and all those who post here and for whom you pray) and thank you for starting the prayer book--I suspect I will be a "repeat requester!"

    Love & prayers, Joelle E.

  3. Please keep Mr. & Mrs. Griff in your prayers. The latest that I've heard is that at least one tumor is inoperable & growing. She's having trouble with her memory. I can't even imagine what it must be like for Mr. Griff. My classes are praying for them, and yours would definitely be appreciated. --Trevor

  4. Please pray that I will be able to conceive a child. I have been unable to conceive for 7 years and would be so grateful if we could add a child to our lives. And if I am unable to conceive, I pray for acceptance and peace.

    Thank you!
