Day #5 still
In the RSV, it reads, "Jesus went out to a lonely place to pray." How very appropriate for this morning! I stayed with our Lord in that for a while. This afternoon I went swimming in the Sea of Galilee with a few of the other guys. That was a wonderful experience. I was very moved by all the seashells, like the 'lilies of the field.' God creates works of art, never to be seen by man or even crushed underfoot without a second thought. How much more does He put into us and provide for us! We just spent some time in silence on the Sea, meditating and taking it all in. I collected some of the seashells for my mother on the way out. I hope they survive the two flights back home from here (so far they've made it through one of them!).
The rest of the day was very quiet. I wrote an email home this evening. We have a Holy Hour later tonight than another day in which to take in everything that we've done, to process it all. I will spend some time in Capernaum, I think, and maybe go to the Bay of Parables and the waterfall and pray there for a while.
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